Thursday, November 18, 2010

Investigating Felony Groping, TSA Revolt - Brakes Left Right Party Lines

DA Now Sending Deputies to SF Airport to Investigate Felony Groping
Video and audio of Alex’s interview will be posted here shortly.

TSA Revolt and Fighting DHS Police State Brakes Left/Right Party Lines Among Population

The Planned intimidation and humiliation with the Enhanced “Enhanced” ‘Pat’-Down ‘Strip’-Search, for those travelers choosing the Opt-Out Screening Option, was to get everyone to use the Pornographic Electronic Bio-Scan Strip Search. The Travelers don’t trust the government Radiation Chamber or are bigger prudes that they thought and many have opted for this Very Invasive ’Crotch Check’.


The Federal Government’s Police State Oppression Brings Civilians Together (Despite Decline in Air Travel)

As Strangers touch our children’s genitalia the party lines drop away and for the first time in generation we collectively understand what real politics are about.

This has got the Feds at the Department of Homeland Security Hopping Mad.

Non-left right issues

TSA Strip Searches and Crotch Checks of Men, Women and Children
Financial Fraud Ordered causing the Largest Crash in world history with largest government spending in world history, Admitted at the highest levels Up-to and including The President of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan,
Federal Reserve Unilateral Financial Take-Over with no Vote for 2008 size package
Torture Ordered and admitted at highest levels – Up-to and including The President of the United States GW Bush
Warrantless Total Information Gathering
Federal Fusion, Oversight and Control of Local Law Enforcement
Fear, Terror and Exagerated Federal Propaganda
Federalization of Automotive industry (the ‘Backbone’ of the United States Economy for over 60 years)
IRS Tax collection Increased Intimidation, Threats and Confiscations
Federally Regulated Water Supply Toxification and Population 'Cognitive Enhancement'
Yard Sales, Private Gardens, lemonade stands, Private Exchange Targeted and Taxed
Trillions equaling more than all the taxes collected from every person is missing in Federal, International, Black Box Pentagon, NIST, DARPA, NIHM, etc.
Global State/Corp Exemptions and Partnership
Yet, No Presidents, Bank Owners, Chiefs, Agents, Officers or Employees have been indicted. No Public Grand Juries have been called and given the power to investigate the Government Waste

These are all Right and Wrong issues. They Violate Natural Law and we ‘know’ that it is wrong.

These are all issues that are destroying the mirage illusion of the Left-Right paradigm. Things never change.

Meet the old boss, same as the new boss and The Vietnam Like False Flag Wars All over again seems to have awaken some of the sleeping hippies.

This is a Constitutional Republic under Democratic Representation and those two can’t be divided or our system breaks.

We must return to The Democratic Republican Party of Jefferson vs the Federalist’s in their Whigs like Sheep’s Clothing.

Guard the Democracy from Tyranny of the Majority

Guard the Republic from Imperialism of the Authority Entrusted.

We need to understand the government stewardship jurisdictions; sovereign authority of the personal private individual, local, state and then finally Federal. This because then we can personally privately manage, check and investigate local government but not if we are ruled by others 100s or 1000s of miles and even nations away

We must return to Normalcy with Locally Empowered and Responsible Government

Protecting the Inviolate Individual Personal Private Freedom under Law, Order, Truth, Equity and Justice within the Public’s Domain.




Wednesday, November 17, 2010

FEMA Camps Bombshell Confirmation - Open Federal Fusion Police State

FEMA Camps Confirmed – Open Federal homeland Police State

Bush (the Right) Created the Homeland Police by created fear from foreigners (people with yellow skin, with turbans, etc). Total black box Police or Justice and bypass to fundamental natural rights, liberty, morality, accountability and oversight.

Obama (the Left) Swelled the DHLS and the Domestic Federal Policey Enforcement’s Standing Armies Numbers by fear created from civilians and citizens (domestic terrorists, dissenters, those that are belligerent toward the government agenda, ect) Total black box Police or Justice and bypass to fundamental natural rights, liberty, morality, accountability and oversight.

Buy a Sofa-Bed and Become a Spy

Bombshell FEMA Camps

Under the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act, Text of H.R. 645: National Emergency Centers Establishment Act and the Additional Powers of the President to Declare Martial Law PDD 51.

There are 10 sectors in which the DHLS selected regional governors will control the lesser governors and lesser states, to manage the civilians in their sectors and manage FEMA camp or quarantine operations, suspending the other federal branches for upto six months.

The Ten United States of Empercia

Conspiracy Theory on TruTV

“Police State” – Premieres Fri, November 12 at 10P

It’s been said the government has a plan to declare martial law and round up millions of United State citizens into concentration camps. Jesse may have found a conspiracy in plain sight as he investigates the proliferation of law enforcement Fusion Centers around the country. And they may be connected to hundreds of detention centers ready to accept prisoners at the stroke of a Presidential pen. TV-PG-L

1330 AM WEBY – H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration Camps

After Obama Slammed by Unilateral Fed Move, China Launches Warning Missile Off Coast of Los Angeles

After Obama and All of America Slammed by Unilateral Federal Reserve Move, China Returns Fire with Missile Launch off Los Angeles Coast

China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast.

The reported Chinese missile test off Los Angeles came as a double blow to Obama. The day after the missile firing, China’s leading credit rating agency, Dagong Global Credit Rating, downgraded sovereign debt rating of the United States to A-plus from AA. The missile demonstration coupled with the downgrading of the United States financial grade represents a military and financial show of force by Beijing to Washington.

In 2008 the legislature made the decision to offer the largest ‘bailout’ for trouble assests in the history of the world.

On November 3rd the Federal reserve made the decision to buy the US Debt with the Debt based notes that it creates in it’s private vaults. The elected, accountable government was not involved in the decision.

China as the second largest holder of US debt (second only to the Private Federal Reserve Bank) is not happy with the Federal Reserves announcement that protects the Fraud that is a Fact of the US and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha international Financial System.


The Creature Form Jekyll Island Returns. Welcome to Fed Island.

Greenspan admits that it was all a scam and fraud……

Alan Greenspan: ‘There are two fundamental reforms that we need; that is to get adequate capital and two to get far high levels of enforcement of fraud statues. Existing ones I’m not even talking about new ones.

Things were being done which were certainly illegal and clearly criminal in certain cases. In which, I mean Fraud, Fraud is a Fact, Fraud Creates very considerable instability in competitive markets.

If you cannot trust your counter parties it won’t work and indeed we saw that it didn’t.’

November 5-6, 2010, Jekyll Island Club Hotel, Jekyll Island, King Georgia

Full Presentation 1:24:43

(FRB of Atlanta)

A Return to Jekyll Island: The Origins, History, and Future of the Federal Reserve

Alan Greenspan: ‘We’re not in the business of trying to create inflation…Our purpose is to provide some additional stimulus to help the economy recover and to avoid, potentially, additional disinflation.’

While admitting the house of cards, the avalanche that could be created, E. Gerald Corrigan: ‘there is a risk, however small, that once that nudge takes hold, it may not be easy to cap inflation and inflationary expectations at levels that are still broadly compatible with price stability.’

Bernanke is frustrated by the sharp public response to the Fed’s decision to begin a strategy of quantitative easing, that IS the Federal Reserve ‘creating’ debt based money to directly buy real tax backed debt based Treasury securities. For a Total Cartelization and Enslavement of the United States.


Headlink News Links

Sic Semper Tyrannis – Lt. General Mcinerney: “I am absolutely certain that is not an aircraft”

Reuters - GLOBAL ECONOMY-Obama returns fire after China slams Fed’s move

Dollar Dead - World Reserve Bankrupt - Greenspan Admits It Was All a Scam & Fraud

Read My Lips – The Federal Reserve will not monetize the debt! (full)
Private Federal Bank Fraud to Spend US into Third World Nation

State of the US Economy, Jun 3, 2009 – House Committee Budget

C-Span –

Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke testified about the state of the U.S. economy and challenges to future growth in the economy. In his remarks he said the U.S. would see mild economic growth later in the year. He also told lawmakers the Federal Reserve would not accommodate higher budget deficits by simply printing money. Additionally, he said the labor market was expected to remain weak for some time and that inflation should stay under control.

On June 3, 2009 Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said the Fed would not monetize our debt.

According to Bernanke we are now set for ‘very draconian cuts and very large tax increases’.

On November 3, 2010, the Fed announced the printing of $600-900 billion in new currency to directly purchase bonds/debt. The current world money supply of US dollars in circulation is $800 billion. The Fed just said it is going to double that. Printing money to buy debt is “monetizing the debt.”

Federal Reserve Made Trillion Dollar Decision without Congress (full)
Greenspan admits that it was all a scam and fraud……

Alan Greenspan: ‘There are two fundamental reforms that we need; that is to get adequate capital and two to get far high levels of enforcement of fraud statues. Existing ones I’m not even talking about new ones.

Things were being done which were certainly illegal and clearly criminal in certain cases. In which, I mean Fraud, Fraud is a Fact, Fraud Creates very considerable instability in competitive markets.

If you cannot trust your counter parties it won’t work and indeed we saw that it didn’t.’

After Obama Slammed by Unilateral Fed Move, China Launches Warning Missile Off Coast of Los Angeles (full)
After Obama and All of America Slammed by Unilateral Federal Reserve Move, China Returns Fire with Missile Launch off Los Angeles Coast

The reported Chinese missile test off Los Angeles came as a double blow to Obama. The day after the missile firing, China’s leading credit rating agency, Dagong Global Credit Rating, downgraded sovereign debt rating of the United States to A-plus from AA. The missile demonstration coupled with the downgrading of the United States financial grade represents a military and financial show of force by Beijing to Washington.

In 2008 the legislature made the decision to offer the largest ‘bailout’ for trouble assests in the history of the world.

On November 3rd the Federal reserve made the decision to buy the US Debt with the Debt based notes that it creates in it’s private vaults. The elected, accountable government was not involved in the decision.

China as the second largest holder of US debt (second only to the Private Federal Reserve Bank) is not happy with the Federal Reserves announcement that protects the Fraud that is a Fact of the US and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha international Financial System.
