Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is the “Rage on the Right” Real? Is it Causing Shootings? Is it Not Shared By an OutRaged Left?

Is the “Rage on the Right” Real? Is it Causing Shootings? Is it Not Shared By an OutRaged Left?
Is There a Larger Anti-Federal T-Party The Together Party, The Democratic Republic Party?

Mark Potok Director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center is out of touch and missing the Greater Political Picture of the world’s and American’s Appeal to Personal Liberty unregulated By Central/Federal Order or Regulation. By applying his area of specialty and expertise he gives a colored/tunnel versioned view to the populous movements of today. He is like the COINTELPRO agent of the 60’s seeing Anti Government Operatives in Every Longhaired Peacenik and every rally or protest as a Riot or Battle.

The Intelligence Project under Mr. Potok looks for Dangerous Radicalism, Hate Groups and Division in the Motives of the American political and social climate. I am glad that he and private corporately funded institutions do. He facilitates the investigations and research into groups and movements to determine if there are dangerous elements that need to be exposed, monitored or regulated.

I believe these groups and people to be less than 1% of the population but Mr Potok seems to Include Everyone. That is his perspective indeed I am sure the angry, threatening, belligerent responses received from groups that have been named, labeled and grouped with the SPLC hate group lists seem to always verify the accusation.

But The Mainstream and Potok Placing the Blame of Crazy Lunatics Actions on the expressed anger and outrage on "Rage on the Right" or the "Extreme Right Wing" that must be censored.
This Outrage is an expression of the Open Fraud and Police State from both the LEFT and RIGHT of America. "TSA don't touch my child's or Other Nations Ambassador’s Genitals, in My Name!" "Don't Bailout the Criminal Bankers and Wall Street Firms, in My Name with My Chidren's, Children's Money!" are not Extreme or Ring Wing.


Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right, Ignored in the Middle with You

Who Can Be Trusted Not to Incite Hate and Violence Online?

Obama Unleashes Cyber NSTIC

On Jan 7th at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Presidential Branch Officials; the U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt announced The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace or NSTIC. Where by creating two tears of online ID-entities Trusted and Untrusted. The project has already been under field testing since mid twenty-ten.


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