Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Bankers or US – It’s Openly Admitted, It’s Fraud, It’s a Scam and It Can Never Be Repaid

The Bankers or US – It’s Openly Admitted, It’s Fraud, It’s a Scam and It Can Never Be Repaid

The Austerity, Taxation, Regulation and Policy Enforcement Descend on United States as China Stops All New US Treasury Purchases and Down Grading USA Credit Rating and Debt Consumes Europe

It’s The Bankers Or Us

Either the bankers or us will be free at the end of this crisis. The total cost of the derivatives is over $1.5 Quadrillion, a sum that will completely consume the world in perpetual debt, a sum that can never be repaid. It is an economic shearing, a shearing of the sheep. The economic crisis has always really been a complete transfer of power to the banking class.

Greenspan admits that it was all a scam and fraud……

Alan Greenspan: ‘There are two fundamental reforms that we need; that is to get adequate capital and two to get far high levels of enforcement of fraud statues. Existing ones I’m not even talking about new ones.

Things were being done which were certainly illegal and clearly criminal in certain cases. In which, I mean Fraud, Fraud is a Fact, Fraud Creates very considerable instability in competitive markets.

If you cannot trust your counter parties it won’t work and indeed we saw that it didn’t.’

The Bankers or Us - The Bankers Manufactured 'Consent' to taking the Mark of the Machine.

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