Thursday, December 2, 2010


A Nations Worth of Wealth is Missing from the TOP SECRET, BLACK OP COINTELPRO, Military Industrial Complex Departments Yet We are focused willing to create civilian army, surrender our rights based on what a small group of under-funder criminals can do?

Stopping explosive powder PETN main reason (or excuse) of new airport screening rules – LA Times

PETN is the spooky powder that Justifies Total Violation of our Fundamental Natural Rights and the Authority of the Government to Search for the Powder is Absolute.

Is PETN really to Blame and Not some other acronym?

It was US government Operations that got Richard Reid’s black high-tops sneaker onto American Airlines Flight 63 bound for Miami in December 2001.

-We now don’t wear shoes.

It was CIA Operatives that escorted Umar Abdulmutallab when he boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 253 for Detroit on Christmas Day 2009.

-We now have radiation porn of ourselves and children.

And it was CIA and Pentagon Operative Anwar Al-Awlaki in Yemen That had PETN powder packed inside printer cartridges, attached to a timer, and shipped on Oct. 28, intending to blow up the planes en route to Chicago.

-We now have TSA employees touching our wives’ and children’s genitals.

Fortunately this is a Right that many Individuals are not Willing to Sacrifice and it has become an Issue that knows No Party Boundary, Race Boundary, Gender Boundary, Age Boundary or National Boundary.



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