Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cass Sunstien’ s Crippled Epistemology on Conspiracy Theories Theory

Cass Sunstien’ s Crippled Epistemology on Conspiracy Theories Theory

It is tempting for Cass Sunstien; with his Training in “Law and Behavioral Economics” the Study of a Planned Control Economy through; Counterspeech, Countermisinforation, Virtual and Physical Cognitive Infiltration Teams operating in secrecy and ‘undercover’ to depolarize Cognitive Clusters of dangerous, extreme ‘crippled epistemology’.

Suntein supports the Idea that the Billions of Conspiracy Theory Holders World Wide Suffer from The Crippled Epistemological Pathology inherent in Conspiracy Theories.

The most useful way to understand Sunstein’s view on the pervasiveness of conspiracy theory, is to almost exclusively focus on how people acquire information, the quality of the information acquired and how the majority of information is handled. He is focused on the individuals still and not at all on the macro of history, environment and inputs that have given rise to it interest in Powerful Corruption and Community mis-Trust.

People suffer from what Sunstein describes as a “crippled epistemology,” in the sense that they know very few things, and what they know is wrong, yet in spite of incontrovertible evidence, to which they do not have access or refuse to incorporate, they continue choose the False Theory. (much like continuing to believe in private debt base currency and a planned economy while maintaining freedom and liberty)

To Sunstein extremists fall in this category; their extremism stems not from irrationality for him, but from the fact that they have little (relevant) information and their extremist views are supported by what little they know. Conspiracy theorizing often has the same feature. Those who believe that the 9/11 Commission Report is Fraudulent, that the Federal Reserve/Fort Knox is Involved in Fraud or that more than one man was involved in killing President Kennedy and the Warren Commission Report is Fraudulent, may well be responding quite rationally, however wrong, to the informational signals that they receive.

Sunstein believes that Billions of people world wide are suffering from crippling ignorance, gullibility and stupidity.

I think that this is very hard to justify with the dissemination of more information and broader understanding that ever before in human history.

We are seeing a Global Political Awakening, a Greater Understanding, More Information to Powerful modern Fraud and Corruption that has been a part of humanity and is ongoing.

In the Macro the simplest explanation is usually correct.

The number and magnitude of true and confirmed conspiracies that had been denied for so long have caused the world population to expect, guard against and look for any form of Corruption and Tyranny. Anything is possible, the past, the truth has proven that.

In Sunstein’s Control Planned Economy the Government is responsible to Cognitively Enhance and Cognitively Acclimate Isolated Clusters.

Sunstein totally ignores and looks past Three Critical Factors of the Real World and Those of Us that He plans to Cognitively Infiltrate and are Dangerous.

1. Since 1946 Ever Increasing Government Secrecy, Belligerent Government Information Sharing, Increased Government Civilian Surveillance, as well as Mainstream Promoted Terror and Fear, have Increased Mistrust Dramatically

• An Example being The Wal-Mart Tele-Screen Mass Cognitive Infiltration “If you See Something…Say Something” because ‘something’ could be endangering you in the Wal-Mart but Conspiracy Theory Investigation is delusional, dangerous and breeds mistrust?

• Contact the nearest Wal-Mart DHS INFRA GUARD employee or TSA Agent nearest you isn’t Dangerous?

• Having a TSA employee with the Authority and Immunity to touch my wife’s, my child’s Genitals isn’t Dangerous.

2. The number of times that the public has been lied to by the Federal and Local Governments

• Your Social Security Number will never mandatory and used as Identification, that would be Unconstitutional

• We are Confiscating Private Gold to Pool Our Wealth and Secure Our Nation’s Savings

• The Withholding Tax is a Temporary War time Measure

• Gulf of Tonkin Incident was an attack by North Vietnam

• Read my lips no new taxes

• I did not have sexual relation…

• The Federal Reserve will not Monetize Debt

3. The Size and Scope of Conspiracies that have been accomplished and hidden in the recent past and throughout History have all come to light and though the Internet become available for the public’s Epistemological Understanding.

Conspiracies that have given rise to mistrust of Government Activity

• 1910 meeting on Jekyll Island of Banking Elite to Secretly Establish the Massively Unpopular National Bank (The Federal Reserve Bank)

• Burning of the Reichstag

• Prohibition Promoted by Big Distilleries and Mafia

• The Mafia

• Project Paperclip

• McCarthy ‘Red’ Infiltration into Government

• The Watergate hotel room used by Democratic National Committee was, in fact, bugged by Republican officials, operating at the behest of the White House.

• In the 1950s, the Central Intelligence Agency did, in fact, administer LSD and related drugs under Project MKULTRA, in an effort to investigate the possibility of “mind control” or cognitive disruption control.

• Between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service, to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis that was given to unwitting ‘negro’ patients.

• Operation Northwoods, a rumored plan by the Department of Defense to simulate acts of terrorism (Via Hijack planes flown into buildings or blown up over major cities, bombings, shootings, government infiltration, etc.) and blamed on Cuba to rally support for an unpopular act of War with Cuba, really was proposed by high-level officials to the Kennedys (though the plan never went into effect at the time)

• Government COINTELPRO operated without warrant and oversight throughout the 1950’s, 1960’s 1970’s to gather intelligence, infiltrate and destroy the civil rights movement (including MLK), the Anti-War Peaceniks and Anti Federal Government Organizations (Peaceful and Violent, Lawful and Criminal Alike).

• Iran-Contra was an illegal weapons; for cash, for oil, for drugs, for illegal foreign political action, US Government operation.

• There is Missing Military Industrial Complex Funding reaching into the Billions

• Fluoride, uranium, radium, lead, aluminum, mercury, BPA and other toxins are knowingly added to public municipal drinking water supplies throughout the Nation under Federal Water Treatment systems, guidelines and requirements. This continued fluoridation is against new recommendations of ADA; which now recognizes ingested fluoride as a deadly harmful toxic poison with no beneficial results and recommends only topical application for Fluoride use.

• The Government has implemented a biometric, full history, threat fusion database system through the New DHS for a national ID registry, as proposed under the Conspiracy Theory of the National ID act in the 1990’s.

• False Flag Operation Tactics taught in Military Field Manuals and School of the Americas

• We did and Indeed do Torture.

• Etc.

By not including this data as a main contributing factor, concern and motivation of the Private Investigators in his Epistemology Sunstein indeed has a Crippled Epistemology with regards to Conspiracy Theories.

Anyone that Trusts Their Local Government and Powerful Individual’s and Doesn’t Investigate them for every possible Crime, Fraud and Corruption is not fulfilling their Duty to Actively Defend Their Liberty against Tyranny.

These National Conspiracies and the Theories Have Only been Proven and Partially Uncovered Because of Dedicated, Ridiculed, Personal, Private Conspiracy Theory Investigators. We owe them a Debt of Life and Freedom. We Owe it to These Individuals to continue to Demand and Investigate the Truth.


With the Dollar Ending almost 100 years as the World Reserve Currency What’s After the Fed? We’ll Either Go Global or Go Local – Special Drawing Rights (SDR) or State Bank Initiative (SBI)

It will either be accepting the Fraudulant Quadrillions in Global Banker Debt and Going Under IMF/UN Regulation, Austerity, SDR mandates and Global Carbon Taxes


It will be everyone accepting the Debt free, interest free federal greenback with a low fixed rate (interest and printing rates) as well as New State Owned Commodity Banks and State Commodity Depositories

GO LOCAL! Resist Rulership From Afar, it produces Corruption and Tyranny.

Reclaim Local Sovereign Authority, Privately Personally Re-Public Your Local Domain and Local Offices.

The State Banks Commodities and State Commodity Depository Act

(Full Unedited UN’play’giarized Original 29 page Abstract PDF)

Conspiracy Theories


Cass R. Sunstein

Adrian Vermeule

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