Thursday, December 2, 2010

DHS & TSA Stand Down on Opt-Out Day – Public Relations Over Safety?

Airport Security Measures Stood Down In-Spite of Increased Threat Level and Increased Travelers For Holiday

If the ‘Secret National Intelligence’ allowed the DHS, CIA, FBI, PENTAGON, to know that there is a massive imminent Danger of PETN use and Terrorists Threatening and Actively Attempting Attacks…
If the Enhanced Genital Pat Down was a ‘Needed’ Security Check…
If the Radiation Biometric X-Ray Scanners Were ‘Needed’ for Safety…
If the Danger is to this extent, requiring total violation of the Individual’s Body, a Total State of Military Police Emergency Overriding Fundamental Natural Rights…way was this stood down?

The Threat of Attack was so great that it demanded suspension of Rights for anyone that purchased a ticket.

Federal Officials and Officers all Repeat ‘You give-up your rights when you buy the ticket’ and enter these National Security Check Point, Constitutionally Suspended Martial Law Zones
Could the Threat have gone away starting the day before Thanksgiving until the Tuesday-Wednesday After Thanksgiving Day Weekend?



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